Friday, May 16, 2008

Gas Prices

Ya know, it's been nearly three months since I left my job and became a freelance web developer. So, I went to do some grocery shopping and noticed the gas price at the pumps. The price has jumped 70 cents in ten weeks! Good grief. :(

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Elevator small talk

So, I'm heading off to lunch. It's been a hell of a day already. I get on the elevator and there's one guy already in it.

"Is it Friday yet?" I ask.

"Man, I'm wondering when the next holiday is," he replied.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Things to do before Christmas

Househould things, that is. My mom is coming by for a visit next Friday so not much of this list is going to get done before then but I should most of, if not all, this stuff done before Shell comes by in December(!) Something tells me this is going to replace our (mostly) annual NYE get-together.

  • plant winter grass (winter rye or fescue?)
  • install medicine cabinet in second bathroom
  • buy guest bedroom furniture
  • replace showerheads in both bathrooms
  • put up xmas light decorations on front lawn and windows (after turkey day)
  • make sure house is baby-proof for Cameron
  • new home theater system? maybe

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Random thought

I like walking barefoot around my backyard. It feels great.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Halloween aftershocks (afterthoughts?)

Well, in spite of the plumbing problem last night, everything went off pretty well. A lot of kids showed up to get candy. More than I expected for a housing community with maybe 50-60 occupied houses. My filled-to-the-brim candy bowl (one of the big ones you can get at Wal-Mart) had only a few pieces left by the end.

Next year's going to be better. More lights and spooky stuff, which I couldn't do this year because of last weeks' car problems.


gotcha! ;>

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Punk'd on Halloween

While the kids were putting their dentists' kids through college tonight, I got tricked while they treated. A water pipe broke in the front yard. After an emergency call to the plumber, it turned out that a valve in the sprinkler system chose tonight to commit seppuku.

Fortunately, the house and sprinkler systems use separate lines so I was only without water for a couple of hours (a precautionary move done by a neighbor).

Darnit! This place is less than six months old. Three months since I moved in. This shouldn't have happened for a long time. Everything's still under warranty so it's not going to cost me anything to get it fixed.

Just goes to show: plastic parts are cheaper but not stronger than metal ones.